Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Exam .. i think is one of the stuff that scared ppl .. i gt phobia on it actually ..
I cant imagine time flies so fast .. I had been so busy from the semester started until now almost come to end of the semester .. Omg ..

All of us will be having our final start from next week .. God, I really pray hard and hope that u are able to hear my prayers. Hope that everything can be alright as what I expect .. Step out the door of college and change into another character..

I really dunno what will be the challenges in the next chapter of my life but I just know that I'm looking forward to it. Although there are many negative comments from friends, but I still insist to go for it ..

Please let everything goes smooth as what i had planned...

Sunday, May 9, 2010


好久好久都没有这种感觉, 失眠的夜晚, 静静的听着四周, 风声? 我想是我房间里的冷气声, 还有隔壁房的音乐声。。躺在床上,转来转去也有20分钟, 脑里装着满满的东西,但是有说不出是什么事情。。也许是一个闷的太久,想的事情也特别多。。也许, 人老了就是那么爱想 吧!!

总觉得时间都在不经意间溜走了, 回想起来, 这几个月里到底做了什么。。 忙这个, 忙那个, 还不都是为了什么graduation project,说真的还真的是浪费我们的时间,精力还有金钱, 是那所烂学校强逼我们拿, 还要还那么贵的学费。。 什么都贵, 设施又没有很好, 我梦想的校园就这样毁灭了。。 算了吧, 反正都走到最后了,希望一切顺顺利利过关, 让我逃离魔掌。。

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Boring lifestyle

Oh god ... After changed all the data so much time, after used so many days to key in and read up all the annual reports and prospectus, still FAIL to get the answer after i run the regression analysis .. Fuck .. Wat's wrong ?? I cant even have any idea on it.. Cant even continue the others .. Shit ... What am I suppose 2 do ?? Kanasai ~~~~~~~~~~~

It's had been long time I din juz like other girls, doing girls' stuff .. shopping,drinking session, gossip, u are far far away from me nowadays.. The one that always beside me only laptop.. I think this is my close friend nowadays.. Whole day stay at home, can say at room as well, laptop is the only one I can rely .. Wow, cant imagine I'm juz like those aunties that always have their good rest at home .. How I wish I can go somewhere .. A place that without stress, problems .. When's the day??